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The Greenbelt Is Our Stormwater Management

Fitchie Creek flows through the Catatoga Greenbelt as a part of the larger Kane County Watershed System.  The Greenbelt is a flood plain that serves as stormwater management for homes in the Catatoga subdivisions.   It also contains high-value wetlands that serve an important purpose for the ecosystem of the Greenbelt including, but not limited to, filtering water into the Otter-Ferson Creek watershed that leads to the Fox River, providing drinking water to over 300,000 residents of the greater Elgin area.

Use the interactive drainage mapper discussed in the video.

The Greenbelt Is A Regulatory Floodway & Protected Wetlands

During periods of heavy rains or snow melt, Fitchie Creek will rise rapidly and even breach its banks. This is exactly what the flood plain is designed to do!

In the picture above, the reeds along either side of Trail 1 in Catatoga 2's lot 93 have been flattened  by the flooding and recession of Fitchie Creek after a recent period of rain.

  • Floodplain is an area of land adjacent to a stream or river  designed to handle the runoff of surrounding land during periods of high drainage. 
  • Our Greenbelt is designed to do exactly this for the surrounding land and acts as stormwater management for a portion of the Catatoga subdivisions.

Fitchie Creek Floods & Recedes

  • When Fitchie Creek does rise, it can overrun some of the access trails making them impassable or immersing them in enough water that makes the trail accessible, but muddy or mucky. 
  • Even after the water has receded, it can take several days for trail conditions to improve.  
  • Never attempt to walk in moving water from the creek.  Looks can be deceiving and particularly during periods of high drainage, the power of the creek is stronger than it looks.   
  • Mud and muck during periods of high drainage can also make it difficult to walk or traverse water-logged areas and can damage the delicate ecosystem in the Greenbelt.  We ask that Members stay off the Access Trails after periods of rain or when it is apparent that conditions are soggy and muddy.

Please remember, the Catatoga III NHW Board is a volunteer board made up of local residents.  Our Access Trails are for maintenance purposes only and are not monitored. Please report any issues via email to

This is a picture of Trail 2 after a period of heavy rain.  The trail is completely submerged as the flood plain swells with Fitchie Creek.

It is highly recommended that whenever walking the Greenbelt you remain on the clearly defined Access Trails and do not venture off into or beyond the buffers to avoid damaging or disturbing native plants, wildlife, insects, and to avoid contact with invasive plants.

For more information, see the Catatoga Rules & Regulations governing use of the Greenbelt.

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